28 August 2014

J'Leven Packaging Logo

The pic above is J'Leven packaging box. J'Leven is my college friend patisserie brand. The pattiserie is handmade by herself! Woow~ I'm so envy!

You guys must be curious, why I'm posting about the box not the 'inside box'?? Hehehe~ I'll tell you why

23 August 2014

My Birthday Celebration! ❤

Huaaaah~!! Finally got time to wrote again *sobs*
I've been pretty busy with college things (actually I'm still busy but T_T huhuhu)
Okay ! First, me & my friends went hangout on August 16th to celebrate my birthday. Actually, my birthday is on August 18th (that's 5 days ago OTL) BUT since it's Monday on calendar (which is super suck) we decided to postponed it to August 16th (Saturday! yay! :D)

And my dearest, super lovely and kind-hearted friends made my birthday so wonderful! Why?
Let's find out what we did to celebrate my birthday!! :D

07 August 2014

Olive Oil & Salt to Reduce Sebum

Yesterday, my friends and I went hangout. When girls gather around they usually chit-chat about something right? So do we! In that conversation, one of my friends told me about this tips to reduce sebum with salt and olive oil. Does this really work? Well...

23 July 2014

Alpacasso Rainbow Series

My Rainbow series alpacasso arrived yesterday ☆*・゜゚・*\(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆ wohooo~
I got this alpaca from AlpacassoSG it's a pre-ordered item and I felt really glad I joined the pre-order! Because the Rainbow one is sold out quickly in almost all alpacasso seller shop! wow~ (○o○)
I'm so excited for this alpacasso because the rainbow-colored fur (* >ω<) ......but!!! something about this alpacasso make me shocked! щ(゜ロ゜щ)

17 July 2014

Textileventure : Cigondewah

Ngepost super telat, cerita udah hampir basi lool , tpi tetep 'kekeuh' ah mau nge-post :P 

Post in Bahasa yaa~

Kemarin itu (Selasa, 15 Juni 2014) aku sama Icha pergi ke Cigondewah (pusat textile kiloan di Bandung). Sebenernya aku udah ogah bgt ke sana gara-gara waktu itu pernah pergi kesana naik angkot sama temen pas masa SHS dlu, udah mah jauhnya luaaar biasaaaaa, ongkosnya bikin dompet keriput, ternyata pas kedalemnya harus jalan! (maklum ga ada yg punya motor waktu itu) setelah itu bener-bener kapok dah! Tapi berhubung King's kena tragedi kebakaran (padahal disitu kainnya bagus-bagus o(TヘTo) ) dan kita butuh kain bulu (yg biasa buat boneka gitu) akhirnya kita fix rencana pergi ke Cigondewah.