07 August 2014

Olive Oil & Salt to Reduce Sebum

Yesterday, my friends and I went hangout. When girls gather around they usually chit-chat about something right? So do we! In that conversation, one of my friends told me about this tips to reduce sebum with salt and olive oil. Does this really work? Well...
That the first question that came up in my mind when I heard this tips. Because I never knew or heard about  this method to reduce sebum. Olive oil and salt? Seriously? I've so many doubts in my mind! But my friend said it really works, and I really want to get remove of  this -over produced- sebum! So, why not?

Therefore, we went to the supermarket section (we're on Ciwalk mall) and bought the olive oil. Oh! we also saw the renowned Mane 'n Tail shampoo being sold there! We called it 'horse shampoo' because the pic is a horse loool! But the price is Rp 300,000+ for a 600ml bottle !! Oh my money~ there's also available smaller size, but the price still up to Rp 100,000+ (⊙▂⊙)

Okay back to main topic, we finished shopping and went home (ofc after we ate a doughnut first! hahaha). At home I hurried to wash my face, put steamed towel to open up my pores and bla bla bla~ DONE!

How to use this Olive oil and salt? Mix them up. Put a needed amount of salt into a bowl or whatever you put it in, and a few drop of olive oil, mix them with your finger and apply it to your face where you want to get rid of the -over produced- sebum and gently rub that area (for me it's around nose and mouth area ). My friend said to leave it overnight, but how the hell I suppose to sleep with olive oil in my face? I still love my pillow so, no. I leave it for a couple hours, then washed it with damp towel.



Its reduce sebum on my face, and my face felt so moist~ usually when I scratch that area with my nails, I saw that white thing -you know-, but after I massage it with olive oil and salt, there's no more that white thing! Ooooouuh I'm so happy !! But I still have my eyes on Innisfree jeju volcanic pore clay mask tbh, I just want to try it myself after seeing all the review hahahaha

Well that's all!

See ya~ (ノ*゜▽゜*)

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